Leddys & Associates

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Work life Balance

As a business owner, getting a good work life balance can be very difficult. On average, you spend more time at work then you do anywhere else, so it is important to ensure you are doing something you love. However, make sure you don’t love it so much that you neglect the other priorities in life.

Why did you get into business in the first place?

Chances are you started your business so you could provide for your family and have a better work life. The images of grandeur, sitting on the beach and watching the world go by. Sadly, for most people this pursuit takes up so much time and energy, that you probably can’t remember the last time you stopped to watch the world go by. If this sounds like you, stop and reevaluate what you are trying to achieve and why you started in the first place.

How do you measure success?

It is also very possible that you are trying to achieve great success in your business and for that I commend you. However, how do we define success. Is it a monetary figure, a certain number of cars in the drive way, a new boat, another exotic holiday? For each person, this is going to be different, but I want to share how I became successful. Sure, I don’t have an exotic car or take Caribbean holidays, however I am fortunate to have a business that allows me to help others around me. I have a wonderful family and excellent friends. I am healthy and happy and what more could I want.

It is important to make the time for your family and your friends and to devote time not only to work but to those who support you and have helped you and your business through the journey. If you can effectively split your time between your business and your family you will be able to think clearer, work more productively and not lose sight of the reason you started in the first place.

To improve your work life balance, it is important to build good systems in the business that can function when you are away, surround yourself with good staff and clients and streamline your procedures to free up time.

If you would like to talk to us about streamlining your business processes and freeing up time to spend with your family, contact us today.