Leddys & Associates

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Behind the business

Many people get into business with the wrong ideas. If you are thinking about starting a business or need to re-evaluate where you are at and where you are going, you need to ask yourself several questions, and consider your motivation behind your desire to be in business.

  1. Don’t do it for the money! A lot of people believe that going into business is going to be the end to all of their money issues, truth be told this is probably the start of them. As an employee you generally have a steady source of income, whether the business is experiencing difficulties or not. As a business owner your next paycheck is reliant on how well you manage the business and how strong your cash flow is. I am not saying money isn’t important, I am merely saying it isn’t everything.
  2. Pursue your interests: It is the passion that will motivate you in the tough times. It is always said that those who love their job never work a day in their life, and this is true, even when the work is difficult you are still interested in your business.
  3. Find your motivation: Don’t make money your motivation. Your motivation needs to be found in the thrill of the chase, the excitement of taking the risk but more importantly the desire to help and use your skills for good. I believe business is an opportunity to help others, and to provide for your families. Chase your passion and money will come, chase money and you may never find your passion”
  4. Be Fearless, be bold, be brave. If you are thinking about taking the leap or expanding your business and you have done the necessary research, have a good business plan in place, good mentors and a healthy cash reserve to sustain you. Grab the opportunity with both hands, be committed and don’t give up. After all, when the going gets tough the tough get going.

If you want to sit down with an accountant to discuss starting a new business or want to rekindle the flame that made you start your business, call us today to find out how we can take your business to the next level.