It is so important to know your business inside and out and one of the most important components you need to understand is your finances. If you don’t know the numbers of your business you won’t be able to understand how it has performed in the past and what your projections are for the future.
The Key to building better relationships!
It is so important in your personal life and in business to build new relationships and to continue to grow and nurture the relationships you already have. I meet with other small business owners daily and have identified a number of key elements to maintaining a good relationship with your suppliers and your customers.
The back bone of business: Referrals
There are many different ways of generating new business and getting new clients. To name just a few; there is advertising, sponsorship, SEO marketing, cold calling or attending networking events. Each of these strategies have their pros and cons and it can be difficult to identify which strategy is going to be most effective for you. However one of the most effective, and often overlooked strategies is through referrals.
New Tax Tables from 1 October 2016
If you think it is expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.
They say a woman can either make you or break you, an accountant is no different. A good accountant can be the difference between making smart informed management decisions to sustain and grow your business or lining up at centre link to get your next pay check. As it is with finding the right person to spend your life with it can be difficult to know what to look for in an accountant.