Business Plan

Messing about in boats!

Messing about in boats!

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

The Other Child!

The Other Child!

Running a business is much like having a child you devote a large amount of time, energy and resources to ensure your business continues to grow and flourish. As with any child you expend these commodity’s because you want your children to have the best opportunities in life. You want the same opportunities for your business therefore it is important to assess the stage of your businesses life cycle and spend you resources accordingly.

Love Languages of business!

Love Languages of business!

The first questions you must be asking is whats love got to do with it. The reality is that being in business involves a great deal of relationships, whether this is with your staff or with your clients. You will spend more time at work than with your husband or wife, so you need to build good relationships. Just like any good marriage, business takes work to make it last and grow.